Masses: Lord’s Day 10am

Holy Days: 7pm
st Friday: Spiritual Events

  • 11:00am – Confessions
  • 11:30am = 1:30pm – Mass Exposition & Adoration
  • 1:00pm  – 2:00pm =  Rosary and Benediction


About St. Casimir’s

Bishop Edward Kmiec established The Church of St. Casimir in March of 2011, highlighting its resilient stewardship, the reverence of its people, and the unique Byzantine-style church (Buffalo Historic Landmark 1977). The parish itself was founded in 1890. Our former pastor, Rev. Anthony Majewski’s vision, “to raise the spirits of believers to spiritual greatness” was realized by artisans Chester Oakley and Joseph Fronczak in the church, an architectural masterpiece. It was dedicated on May 5, 1929 and paid for during economically strenuous times. Rector of the Church is Rev. Czesław Krysa.

August 2024 Chronicle (click for PDF)