Buffalo Neighbors World War II Display
The Descendants Group of WNY Survivors of German and Russian atrocities against Polish civilians, seniors, children and military, recognizes that the senior members who inspired us are quickly passing. Their children, with a desire to speak for them, share personal stories of survival, faith, resilience. Perhaps you can draw hope and joy from their trials and perseverance.
Our Hope
We gather these memories together because our family elders kept their stories silent. Most were only discussed at intimate family gatherings, church services, or ethnic community socials.
You and your loved ones may draw some inspiration from how the human spirit, rooted in heritage and daily reaching for eternal light can overcome intense, brutal, attempted, systematized extermination of an entire nation. Poland’’s civilian and military losses amounted to just under 15% of her population-the largest percentage of any other European nation.
For showings of this traveling exhibit leave a phone number at 716-824-9589 or email iwoszczak@yahoo.com. VM reservations will be confirmed by phone.
- 17 Buffalo Neighbors’ Memorial Placards
- Complimentary Guide Flyer thru the Polish fronts of WWII
- Discover what it means to suffer genocide
- Hear another immigration story
Guide To the Exhibit Flyer and The “Our Stories Booklet” are available at the exhibit. The booklet contains personal stories of participating World War 2 descendants.

The eternal lamp, a symbol of this exhibit, illumines each placard. They are traditionally lit as a prayer at cemeteries, national monuments, and places marking heroic suffering and tragic loss.

Traditional WWII Mementos with one of the exhibit’s placards.