The Black Madonna Consecration Chapel will be rededicated on Mother’s Day, May
9, during the annual May Crowning. Members and friends are encouraged to bring fresh flowers to Mama Mary, honoring Jesus’ Mother, whom He gave to us as ours from the heights of the Cross.

A conference call faith and prayer sharing of those who made their Consecration to Mary on Feb 2, 2020, is scheduled for May 17 at noon. Please ponder the effect this Consecration, one of its four saints, or the “33 Days” has on your life. On Sunday, May 18 the St John Paul Papal Prayer Room will be open for special intention prayer and quiet meditation.
Those wishing to make or renew Fr Michael Gaitley’s powerful “33 Days of Morning Glory”, may begin on Wednesday, April 21. read his “Second Greatest Story Ever Told,” pray a daily Rosary, “Under Your Protection,” or the Consecration prayer given below.

FYI The Czestochowa icon of this chapel is a gift of St John Paul to the people of St Casimir’s Church (1976).
Renewal of Consecration and personal Confirmation Mission on Pentecost Sunday, May 23 at the Consecration Chapel. This same day phase one of the new baptismal fonts will be unveiled: the artistic work is modeled after the pulpit (ambo) with metal features from the previous font. A Baptism is scheduled for that day.
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